Protect the Environment
The Nanaimo Port Authority, through a Letter of Understanding with the Canadian Coast Guard, is the first responder to pollution reports within Port Limits. Each report is investigated and where the source of the pollution can be determined the polluter is charged for all costs for the investigation, response, clean up and disposal of all contaminants.
Environmental Emergencies: Phone pager 778-762-3443 – Harbour Master – Port of Nanaimo
All oil spills are reported as soon as possible to the Canadian Coast Guard and NPA Harbour Master, and followed up in writing, within 24 hours.
What if You Detect an Oil Spill?
Download document “What if I detect an Oil Spill” as PDF
The Port of Nanaimo is an official participant of the Green Marine Environmental Program. As a participant, the Port will work with a detailed framework to first establish and then reduce their environmental footprint. To understand more about this International program, those affiliated with the program and results to date visit About the Port – Environmental Stewardship and this website:

Green Marine 2023 – Port of Nanaimo

Alliance verte 2023 – Port de Nanaimo
The Port of Nanaimo is proud to be working with local organizations that provide a focus for environmental stewardship which includes annual events such as World Oceans Day.
Rivers Day is celebrated in 2020 during September with a line up of local activities presented in a virtual format throughout the week leading up to Rivers Day.
For more information and for a fun, family-based learning experience go to
> Your participation makes a difference for our environment <